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Mo, 17. März 2025

Mo, 17. März 2025

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A Wolf's Tale

A Wolf's Tale

 von Wayne Costigan

ISBN: 1483541436
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: BookBaby
Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
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Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Costigan, Wayne:
A Wolf's Tale [Elektronische Ressource] / Wayne Costigan. - 1. Aufl. - [s.l.] : BookBaby, 2014, Online Ressource (149 KB, 110 S.)

ISBN 1483541436 (print)


A coming of age tale about an American Indian boy, Standing Bear, and his captured wolf pup, as told through the narratives of both human and animal characters, during a time of great and irrevocable changes wrought with the arrival of a new people. A tale of magic and the mysteries that surround us all that combines humor, spirituality, and compassion for a way of life that has disappeared, but which shall never be forgotten.