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Mo, 03. März 2025

Mo, 03. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thy Neighbor

 von Kelly Moran

ISBN: 9780463312612
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: Smashwords
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
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Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Moran, Kelly:
Love Thy Neighbor / Kelly Moran. - Smashwords, 2019


Josh Rossi needs to get as far and fast away from Marina Atwater as he can. No matter how much he desires her, she is the kind of woman who wants forever. And he isn't the sticking sort. But as the quick remodel flip of his grandfather's old house progresses, so does his feelings for his lovely neighbor. Her quirky dog and the even quirkier town are growing on him, too. Never having a sense of family or a permanent place to call his own, how is he suppose to contemplate setting down roots when home isn't a possibility? Or is it?A story set in Marina Adair's St. Helena Vineyard series.