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Di, 04. März 2025

Di, 04. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

For Love of the King

For Love of the King

 von Oscar Wilde

ISBN: 9788726598865
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: SAGA Egmont
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
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Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Wilde, Oscar:
For Love of the King / Oscar Wilde. - SAGA Egmont, 2022. - 10 S.


Imagine being torn away from the person you love most in the world! The pain would be just too terrible to bear! This is exactly what happens to Shah Mah Phru after she falls passionately in love with King Meng GengThe king promises to return but time passes, and he never does. One day, Shah Mah Phru spots a group of horsemen riding her way, and she is overcome with joy thinking her lover has finally returned, however the horsemen bring news she could never have predicted.Oscar Wilde wrote 'For Love of the King' for his friend Mabel Cosgrove, and it was not published until after his death, in the 1920's. Its publication sparked a great deal of controversy that resulted in a trial because Mabel Cosgrove was accused of having written the play herself.A great read for any short story and Oscar Wilde fan.-